(218) 935-5188
Mahnomen Country Club
9 Hole Golf Course , Bar and Grill

Welcome to Mahnomen Country Club
Mahnomen Country Club is a nine-hole course, open to the public. We have power and pushcarts available.
We serve food and beverages--come out and play a few holes, or even just for lunch or supper!
9 Holes: $21.00 w/cart $31.00 18 Holes: $31.00 w/cart $46.00
All Day: $35.00 w/cart $52.00
Sat-Sun & Holiday:
9 Holes: $25.00 w/cart $35.00
18 Holes: $33.00 w/cart $48.00 All Day: $40.00 w/cart $60.00
Pull Carts: Free
Trail Fees $10.00 per 9 holes
Driving Range Bucket $6.00
Twilight Rate (after 5:00, T-F)
$16 Green Fees (9 holes)
$23.00 with a Cart
Our Patio is now open! Come and enjoy a burger basket, chicken strips, drummies or a pizza.
Lakes to Links Vacation Special
Play 3-18 holes for $75
2 or more must be weekdays- Monday-Friday
No refunds(including weather), no holidays, tourneys, or events.
Check ahead that no league or tournaments will affect your play
Good Only for the Season it is purchased in
Show ID--Must live 30 miles+
Mention: "Saw Your Website"
Ask for $2 off your round
only one coupon at a time
Single $500
Husband/Wife $670
Family $705
(children up to/including 12th gr)
College Student $250
Student $140
Shed Rent (Gas) $265
Shed Rent (Electric) $340
Member Driving Range $150
Family Driving Range $185
Non-Member Driving Range $185
Season Trail Fee $160
Trail Fee $10
Friday Night Bar Bingo
6:00 pm
Friday Night Suppers
Served 5:00-7:30pm
Enjoy a meal on our beautiful patio
2024 EVENTs
4/25 Boys Golf Meet Course Closes at 4:30
5/7 JH Girls Golf Meet - 4:00pm (course closed during meet)
5/10 Clark Graduation (Clubhouse Only)
5/11 Girls Golf Meet 9:30 am (Course closed during meet)
5/14 Boys Golf Meet 4:30 (Course closed during meet)
5/16 First Men's Night - 6pm (course closed after 5pm)
5/21 Women's Theme Night "Country Hoedown"
6/1 PTSO 2 person Tournament 10:00am 9 holes (call to register)
6/8 Lynwood Tournament 11:00 9 holes (Course closed during tournament)
6/11 Women's Theme Night "Safari Night" Course open but slow play
6/12 Women's Traveling 5:00 Course closed until 6:30
6/14 Supper Night Steak and Shrimp
6/17 Jr. Tournament (Call to register) 1:00 Course Closed until done
6/22 Thorpe and Abdo Open 9am (course closed for tournament)
6/23 First Lutheran Golf and Luncheon- Course open
7/8 Spaeth Tournament Course Closed 10 am- 3 pm
7/10 Women's Traveling 5:00 Course Closed until 6:30
7/12 True North Tournament and Meal 2:00 Course Closed until 5:00 NO BINGO
7/13 Halland Reunion 9:30 am 9 holes Course closed until noon
7/16 LaVoy Tournament 9:00 am-noon course closed until done
7/16 Women's Theme Night "Putts, Pearls, and Polka Dots" Course open but slow play
7/24 Traveling Women's Tournament 9:00 registration 10:00 start Course closed until done approx. 3:00.
7/26 Midwest Seniors 9:00 Course Closed until 1:00
7/26 Supper Night BBQ
8/2 Champions Dinner 6 pm
8/3-4 71st Annual Shortstop Tournament (Course closed all day)
8/10 Thunderbird Tournament (Call the clubhouse to register, Course Closed until 6:00 pm)
8/13 Womens Breast Cancer Awareness Theme Night Course open but slow play
8/23 Class of 74 Golf Scramble Course closed 1:00-5:00
8/24 Class of '74 Social and supper Course open
8/25 Club Tournament: Free to members Course Closed 12:00-5:00
8/30 Midwest Seniors and Pazderniks Course Closed 9:00 until 3:00
8/31 Bruggeman Family Get Together Course open
9/1 9:30 Run from the Moose Private Tourney -- Course closed 9:00-1:00
9/6 Gordon's Tourney Course Closed until 4pm
9/14 Class of 69 -- Course Open
9/28 Greenskeeper's Revenge Tournament 12:00pm 2-person Teams $50 per team. 6 holes BestBall/Scramble/Alternate Shot. Call the Clubhouse to Register 218-935-5188
10/12 Wedding of Hunter Clark and Emily Weigel
We are back to two leagues, A and B
League Dues are due by May 16th.
Course Closed after 5:00pm
Women's Theme Nights
5/21 "Country Hoedown"
6/11 "Safari Night"
7/16 "Putts, Pearls and Polka Dots"
8/13 " Breast Cancer Awareness"
Hole in One!
Hole #6
Utility Club
206 Yards
John Clark Jr.
2023 Junior Golf Tournament

Girls 14-17
1st Cady Clark
2nd Aleah Larose
3rd Mia McArthur

10 and under
1st place: Jackson Brown
2nd place: Tripp Clark
3rd place: Kyrie Fairbanks

11 to 13
1st Julian Lang
2nd Dylan McMullen
3rd Trenton Michael
14 and over
1st Lewis Johnson
2nd Gavin Brown
3rd Blake McMullen

2023 Mahnomen Shortstop Tournament
Champ: Tony Carlin
Championship Flight:
Champ: Tony Carlin
Runner up: Adam McArthur
Consolation Champ: Blake Kahlbaugh
Consolation Runner up: Ryan Engel
Champion Tony Carin
Runner Up Adam McArthur
Consolation Blake Kahlbaugh
Consolation-Runner-up Ryan Engel
Medalist Jason Clark
Qtr. Finalist Hunter Clark
Qtr. Finalist Jason Clark
Winner Brody Lhotka
Runner Up Blake McMullen
Consolation Carter Clark
Winner Damien Abdo
Runner Up Jason Schoenborn
Consolation Trevor Johnson
Winner Monte Farley
Runner Up Nick Otto
Consolation Ryan Liebl
Winner James Jurina
Runner Up Lucas Spaeth
Consolation Tom Ryan
Champion Jeff Wiltse
Runner Up Gary Johnson
Consolation Kevin Kircher
Consolation –Runner Up Tom Simon
Medalist Jeff Wiltse
Qtr. Finalist Jeff Bjerk
Qtr. Finalist Paul Hanson
Winner Todd Johnson
Runner Up Rob Bruggeman
Consolation Steve Kahlbaugh
Winner Kevin Ruud
Runner Up Roger Johnson
Consolation Doug Clark
Consolation R-up George Aspinwall
Medalist Doug Clark
Senior Champ:
Jeff Wiltse
Senior Runner up:
Gary Johnson